Best Lawyers in Hart County GA

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On this page you can find lawyers representing clients in Hart County, Georgia, courts for civil and criminal matters. Lawyers on this page may also represent clients other Georgia counties.

Hart County lawyers serve clients in Hartwell, Bowersville, Reed Creek, Eagle Grove, Mount Olivet, Shoal Creek, Cross Roads, Goldmine, and nearby towns in Hart County, Georgia.

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  • General Listings

    A shortlist of law firms in Hart County GA

    Jeremiah Van Dora
    21 Vickery Street
    Hartwell, GA 30643
    Phone: 706-377-4044
    Family Law, Divorce

    Kimberly Higginbotham
    415 E. Howell Street
    Hartwell, GA 30643
    Phone: 706-376-5418
    Personal Injury, Real Estate

    Thomas Frost
    91 Richardson Street
    Hartwell, GA 30643
    Phone: 706-376-5434
    Criminal Defense

    Walter Gordon
    415 E. Howell Street
    Hartwell, GA 30643
    Phone: 706-376-5418
    Federal Law, Civil Litigation

    Daniel J. Moore
    532 E. Howell Street
    Hartwell, GA 30643
    Phone: 706-376-6500
    Family Law, Divorce

    Robert Ridgway
    93 Chandler Center
    Hartwell, GA 30643
    Phone: 706-376-3991
    Real Estate Law

    Ronnie N. Jones
    520 W. Franklin Street
    Hartwell, GA 30643
    Phone: 706-376-4765
    Personal Injury

    Matt Easom
    794 Church Street
    Royston, GA 30662
    Phone: 706-245-4414
    Personal Injury, Criminal Defense

    Andrea Grant
    504 Bowers Street
    Royston, GA 30662
    Phone: 706-245-9293
    Family Law, Divorce

    Larry Hicks II
    532 E. Howell Street
    Hartwell, GA 30643
    Phone: 706-376-6500
    Personal Injury, Criminal Defense

    Stephen Carter
    4 N. Forest Avenue
    Hartwell, GA 30643
    Phone: 706-376-4754
    Website: Stephen C. Carter, P.C.
    Personal Injury, Criminal Defense

    James Carmichael
    118 W. Johnson Street
    Hart, GA 30000
    Phone: 706-376-3128
    General Practice