Divorce Lawyers in Georgia
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Divorce Lawyers In North Georgia
Best Divorce Lawyers in Georgia
Find top divorce attorneys in north Georgia
What is Divorce Law
Divorce law pertains to civil actions to annul or terminate a marriage or domestic partnership. In states that recognize legal separation, a divorce lawyer can help you establish the terms of your separation.
A divorce requires a formal legal process which culminates in a county court issuing a divorce decree. A divorce includes a Settlement Agreement which defines certain legally binding aspects of your divorce. Common aspects that require specific attention are property division, child custody, child visitation, child support, and spousal support (alimony). When a divorce has been made final (Divorce Decree issued), it can later be changed via a divorce modification process. The length of time to get a divorce depends upon several factors, the greatest being how long it takes for both parties to agree to the terms of their divorce.
Divorce Law Services
Divorce lawyers can help people with matters including:
- File for contested divorce
- File for uncontested divorce
- File for mediated divorce
- File for temporary orders
- File for protective orders (restraining orders)
- Property and assets division
- Child custody and visitation
- Child and spousal support
- Financial division (retirement accounts, investments, etc.)
- Domestic partnerships
- Provide divorce trial representation
- Manage post-divorce decree modfications
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